
The owner

Testleader for swedish mental test & descriper for mental behaveing dog

I´ve had dogs since 1992. The first one, Nalle, was mixbreed. With him I trained rescue and obedience. He was social, honest, easy and outgoing dog with lots of charisma. 1999 I got my first ACD Arttu, Wanhanfarmin Articblue. Lovely dog! With him I had to put all my knowledge upside down. No doupt, since I´ve learnd a lot about training a dog! Dina came just before christmas 2002, princes of the house and the next one, Chici moved in, also just before christmas, 2006. Latest, Attack, arrived to Sweden in novembe 2013. 

With Attack I train  and compeet in tracking & obedience and IGP.

ACD is The Breed for me! They give challange, lots of it! They have own opinions, they can be stubborn. Great sense of humor and they are loyal and loving dogs. Defenetly not every man breed! ACD tok my heart and they do not let it go 😉

With Arttu I started compeeting and showing. In now adays, showing is almost the last priority in our schedule. Too much other, funnier things to do! Even I´m nervous before competition, I love it!

I´ve been assistant to obedience courses (everyday and compeeting), taken examination as an A-figurant to mental description (MH) and A-figurant to mentaltest (MT). In seasons 2011 & 2012 & 2013 I was figurant to several descriptions & tests, I had pleasure to see several breeds, not just typical workingdogs, but also «pet» breeds. Next step in this area, is find testleader course for MH and get experience MT-A work. I`ve also been a boardmember at Kumla Brukshund Klubb 2011-2015.

December 8. 2012, I completed education for compeeting leader for obedience.  

March 2015 I became a testleader for MH & June 2015 testleader for MT!

October 13. 2022 descriper for mental behaveing dog

Other intrest I have are feeding dog naturally and dogs anatomy. Both very, very intresting topics! Feeding dog naturally, suppose not  to be way too difficult, hard nor taking too much time in daily basis. If you are interested in «Barf», just Google it, you find lots of it at the internet! Be open to new ideas, read, discuss people with experience and you will find a new world!

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